You’re Speaking My Language
Thoughts, Tips, and Practical Ideas for World Language Teachers
Differentiation using the Products, Practices, and Perspectives Cultural Framework
Will you modify the assignment format, the process, or the content? Examining your classroom culture is a fantastic starting point for differentiating instruction!
7 Tips for Writing Your National Board Portfolio
National Board Certification is a challenging journey. Make it easier on yourself by avoiding a few common pitfalls.
Free AI Image Generators for Students (Continued)
AI art generators are evolving quickly. Teachers and Parents have got to keep up!
Free AI Image Generators for Kids
AI art generators are evolving quickly. Teachers and Parents have got to keep up!
6 more things AI Can’t Do
Learning when to use AI - and when not to - is increasingly part of being a teacher… and a human!
Using Flexible Seating in High School
(or, why I hauled in the sofas and beanbags… and then hauled them right back out again).
3 YouTubers to Use in French Class
Harness pop culture for French instruction. The same students who tune you out will spend long periods of focused listening to understand a funny YouTuber!
Free, Low-Prep Tech Tools to use in World Language Classes
Having a few tech tools up your sleeve can save the day when you have to re-plan on short notice!
Chat GPT to the rescue!
No more tedious writing for teachers - Chat GPT can draft practice activities and student prompts in seconds!
3 Ways Chat GPT Can Make Your Teaching Job Easier
AI has the potential to make some of the most time consuming and laborious aspects of teaching quick and easy.
3 Ideas to Prevent Students From Cheating with AI and Chat GPT
Society and technology are changing, and our instructional practice must change with them. Chat GPT is reality. We can’t pretend it doesn’t exist and keep teaching in the same way.
Chat GPT and the World Language Classroom
I wanted to see if Chat GPT could replicate a believable student voice. Here are the results of my experiment… and what it means for teachers.
A review of 3 free AI art generators for classroom teachers
At least for now, AI Art generators won’t be replacing my graphics libraries. Find out why!
AI, ChatGPT, and 7 stages of teacher grief
Teachers must face evolving technology with confidence and creativity!
Sharing the Benefits of Learning Another Language
4 ways to advocate world language instruction with students, parents, administrators, and beyond
By Kids, For Kids - When Students Write the Speaking Rubric
Embracing the language-learning journey through effective self-evaluation
10 Tips to Enhance Your Writing Instruction
How to assign quality writing practice, give good feedback, and maintain a reasonable grading load
Teaching Students to Embrace Feedback and Self-Evaluation
5 strategies to improve student performance and save time on your grading in the process
Rejuvenating Your Assessments with Student-Friendly Rubrics
How a few simple tweaks to my rubric led to faster grading and better feedback.