I Like to Move It, Move It! | Incoporating Physical Movement in Your Classroom


One-Hour Session for World Language Teachers and for General Education Teachers

Our minds are connected to our bodies, so let’s get them both moving! 

In this session participants will explore:

  • Brain research behind getting students moving

  • Games designed with physical movement in mind

  • Ways to replace seat work with ‘feet work’

  • Using gallery walks to share and present student work

  • Tips for managing a moving classroom

With Shelby Cole, M.A., NBCT Spanish

In-Person Sessions Available

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One-Hour Session for World Language Teachers and for General Education Teachers

Our minds are connected to our bodies, so let’s get them both moving! 

In this session participants will explore:

  • Brain research behind getting students moving

  • Games designed with physical movement in mind

  • Ways to replace seat work with ‘feet work’

  • Using gallery walks to share and present student work

  • Tips for managing a moving classroom

With Shelby Cole, M.A., NBCT Spanish

In-Person Sessions Available

One-Hour Session for World Language Teachers and for General Education Teachers

Our minds are connected to our bodies, so let’s get them both moving! 

In this session participants will explore:

  • Brain research behind getting students moving

  • Games designed with physical movement in mind

  • Ways to replace seat work with ‘feet work’

  • Using gallery walks to share and present student work

  • Tips for managing a moving classroom

With Shelby Cole, M.A., NBCT Spanish

In-Person Sessions Available

¡Muchas Gracias! ¡Excelente!
— 2024 workshop participant

Lisa and Shelby present at the Foreign Language Teachers of North Carolina Conference

Past and Upcoming “Move it, Move it!” Workshops:

Best of FLANC Spring Conference | March 2023

FLANC Fall Conference | October 2022

Wake County Public Schools Professional Development | August 2017