You’re Speaking My Language
Thoughts, Tips, and Practical Ideas for World Language Teachers
Explore! Curriculum Celebrates three years, four languages, & 500 products!
Where we’ve been, our latest innovative products, and what’s next for our little company
Sponge Activities for World Language Classes
No more wasted class time. Sponge Activities soak up those lost minutes of learning so every class is bell-to-bell instruction!
6 Tips to Help World Language Students Read Independently
Well-implemented independent reading is low-prep, high-impact, and 100% individualized.
Recipes You Can Use in Spanish Class
Cooking with students brings culture, practical skills, and enthusiasm to your classroom!
Recipes You Can Use in French Classes
In Part 3 of our blog series on cooking with students we’ve done all the planning to help you cook with your World Language students!
5 Challenges to Cooking in World Language Class
In Part 2 of our series on cooking with World Language students, we look at ways to solve the challenges of cooking in a classroom.
Cooking With Your World Language Classes
How you can cook with your students, and why you probably should!
Making Chocolate with your French Students
Bring a delicious taste of Belgium into your French class! Here’s how:
Using Social Media Quizzes in your World Language Classroom
A one-stop instructional tool for reading, writing, listening, speaking, grammar, and tech integration!
5 speaking activities to captivate your students
Low-prep, high-interest activities to get your students speaking